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We are what we do daily

By Kirit Thakore on November 25, 2024, 11:02 am



Now theres a deep question.

Here’s a famous quote.


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”



So, let’s look at our bodies. Our body is made from what we eat. What else can it be made up of?



Whatever you eat, be it an apple or deep fried chicken, this will eventually become the cells in your body. The quality of the cells that turn into YOUR skin, YOUR muscles, YOUR organs etc is totally dependant on the quality of the ingredients that YOU feed it.


I eat whatever I want on the weekends BUT I will endeavour to feed my body the better stuff during Monday to Friday. It’s a nice balance. I get to enjoy the "naughty stuff" knowing that I'll be cleansing during the week.



What do you consistently think about?

Do you think about money problems all the time? Funny how that’s what you get.

Do you think about how inconsiderate people are? Funny how they are all around you.

Do you constantly think how terrible your job is? It really is, isn’t it?

We will attract and see the things that we constantly think about.

If you want a better life, think a better life. It works for me. It will work for you.



Do you exercise your body regularly?


Your body right now, is

As strong, or as weak, as your daily actions.

As flexible, or as stiff, as your daily actions.

As fast, or as slow, as your daily actions.

As mobile, or as immobile as your daily actions.

Your are what you repeatedly do, whether it’s something or nothing.

I exercise moderately for half an hour a day and focus, not on getting big and strong, or going like the clappers but on doing the stuff that keeps me mobile, quick and healthy.

You can come join me if you want to make that change.



Is your mind restless? A chattering monkey in your head? You can’t focus.

Are you constantly reliving things that have already happened in the past?

Maybe all you do is worry about things that are happening in your mind but have not happened in reality.

Things that you think will happen tomorrow are playing havoc in your life today.

Why can’t your mind be silent for even a moment?


It's because you don’t spend time every day learning to be silent. After you do this every day, then slowly, your mind becomes quieter. Eventually, you are in the present and the mind becomes silent.



I know this because this is how I started. Now I enjoy more of my time in the present rather than the past or the future.

It starts with some daily practices while I’m working out. If you join me in my workouts, I’ll also help you enjoy the silence.




I hope this blog will give you a better idea.

Who we are is all dependant on what we do on a daily basis. If you don’t like what you have or what you are, then change your daily habits.


The things that you MUST change are the things that affect your mind, body and soul.




Join me for half an hour a day, consistently, and I promise things WILL improve.